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"The Story of the Most Wonderful and Mysterious Man on Earth"



Dennis Chikata is an extraordinary man who has gone through eccentric experiences. Reading this book will make you obsessed with the author’s life as he gently narrates his encounters; most of which can be considered bizarre or unusual.

While reading the book however, you get to understand that this man is not your average guy. His life has been amazing from the start and many would say that he is blessed. He does not move like mere mortals, nor does he experience common occurrences. Dennis Chikata is a special child of God. His life will teach you that he God is supreme and that anything is possible if you believe.

One thing I appreciate about Dennis chikata’s writing is how honest and bold he is to share his story. The author starts the book by sharing his time in Nigeria’s National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). This is a program that many Nigerian youth pass before venturing into different things in life.

I enjoyed Dennis Chikata’s tales at the NYSC. The author has a hilarious way of narrating the story, adding every minute detail to his narration, which gets the reader hooked to the end. After sharing his NYSC tales, the author goes ahead to share other different phases of his life.

He shares his spiritual journey, education and even personal life. Dennis Chikata knows how to keep the reader engaged throughout his narration.

Reading ‘The Story of the Most Wonderful and Mysterious Man on Earth’ will have you hold your breath from the first page to the last. The author really is an enigma, an enigma that many would want to understand.

Hi life may be mystifying abut at the end of the day, the message that he wants to pass to his readers gets deliver. Dennis Chikata sounds like a smooth talker.

The notes in the book aside, his encounters, view of life and strong beliefs make him interesting. You will read every page of this book in a rush in order to read more from the author.


Review No:2 by

When reading the first chapter, you don’t exactly get the impression that you will encounter bizarre stories later in the book. The author begins by talking about God, how he created us in his own image and how man is immortal. 

The author included bible scriptures that expounded on what he was talking about. I love how he made the introduction simple, talking about basic things we know of, but making it clear for the reader. If you grew up in a religious background or took up religion in school, you will definitely endorse the message the author had in his book.

When talking about God’s unlimited compassion and justice, the writer clearly stated how one can pay for their temporal punishment. He listed prayers, fasting, good deeds and showing love and mortifications as ways of castigating self when you have done wrong. 

I love that the writer did not just list down the self-imposed punishments; he went ahead and explained how one can go about it. Dennis Mary Chikata thoroughly explained with examples how well to pay for your sins; without hurting self or being too lenient. His message is a great guide for religious folks who sometimes want to do right after sinning, but don’t know where to start.

Best Book

Chapter 3 starts beautifully with the Fatima story. For starters, the story of the lady of Fatima happened in Portugal in 1917. 

Jacinta, Lucia, and Fransisco were the names of the children who encountered Virgin Mary in Fatima. The kids aged 7, 9 and 10 claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary on their way home. She told the kids to pray and urged everyone to repent.

 Mary appeared to the kids later in the year as she had promised, and some of the skeptics now believed. It was a great miracle. The author goes on to give other examples of visits to purgatory. One story I enjoyed reading was the St. Lidwina of Schiedam. The author excellently writes about Teresa Gesta, Saint Lutgarda and Simon, Peter Mile and many more.

The stories in the book are peculiar enough to scare you and perhaps question the universe. There are a lot of stories I had never heard of but thanks to this book, I know a little other-worldly and eerie happenings in history. As strange as some stories sound, the author ensured that the reader never finished the book hanging.

 Every scenario has an explanation. Some sightings are explained by science, but the writer gave a different angle to all these stories. The appearance of a second moon on 25th January 1998 is one of the many things that puzzled me. Aurora borealis is the name scientists gave the moon. This book gives an explanation as to why this happened.

Dennis Mary Chikata sure took time to research on the crazy happening s in this world. It is not every day that you come across a book which has well written uncommon stories. “Visitors From Purgatory” is an amazing book especially since it gives clear-cut explanations to all the mind-boggling sightings. Nature can be eccentric sometimes; this book explains why and how.


Review No:3 by

Best Book

“Thank you for your manuscript on VISITORS FROM PURGATORY
You have done a tremendous amount of work on the book. In our dechristianised world of today, there is a crying need for many evangelical witnesses of life to help reclaim the lost sheep and prevent many more from being lost. The book will do a tremendous amount of good work.
I wish you God’s blessings, Dennis.”

"Disobedience and the secret of long life and happiness"

Most Rev (.Dr). A. J.V. Obinna

After reading the book on Disobedience, the Catholic Archbishop of Owerri, Most Rev (.Dr). A. J.V. Obinna, publicly at a Sunday mass at Assumpta Cathedral Owerri said. “Whoever knows Dr. Chikata should please thank him for me his fantastic book on Disobedience which I have just finished reading. I have asked the Administrator of this Cathedral, Rev. Fr, Andrew Nkwocha to try and see how he can be contacted and asked to supply me enough copies to enable me to give out to all the Bishops in Nigeria to read and see the amazing contents of this book.”

"Disobedience and the secret of long life and happiness"


Dennis Chikata wrote a fantastic book that will help all readers appreciate life and make changes where necessary. The author writes gently and beautifully. He has words of encouragement and affirmation for all readers. ‘Disobedience and the Secret of Long Life and Happiness’. I like that the author started the first chapter by talking about the origin of disobedience and how man should live meekly. The author writes extensively about human behavior and what is expected of believers. This book is spiritually nourishing and has great content for readers that enjoy religious literature.

Dennis Chikata wants his readers to know God. He writes comprehensively about the bible and how it has impacted his life. There is joy in living righteously. The author talks of problems human beings face and how to overcome challenges. Readers that are believers will cherish this book as the author writes on how to find answers in the bible. Reading this book will make you love your bible more, and read it more. ‘Disobedience and the Secret of Long Life and Happiness’ is a great book when you want to learn more and God and your personal relationship with him.

Dennis Chikata is a brilliant author. His text sticks with the reader and the impact the book has can be felt almost immediately after one finishes the last page. I recommend this book to people that feel lost and are looking to find their place in God’s arms. Deniss Chikata’s writing will make you feel like you belong. You learn that all sin can be forgiven and you can turn over a new leaf at any point in your life. You learn that there is power in love and forgiving.



Your book is the best book I have ever read on the Rosary. It has motivated me to say my Rosary more often. Thank you for such a great book”

"secret facts about virgin mary..."


Religion is part of every believer’s life. Believers live acknowledging that God is the greatest and that humans have a purpose. Dennis Chikata’s book enables the reader to understand the deeper meaning of religion, how God works, and the roles of Jesus and Mary. This book is an enlightening read, as I came to learn about facts I did not have knowledge prior to reading the book. I appreciate that the author had a clear introduction where he explained why he wrote the book. It gave me an insight into what I was about to read.

We have all read about Virgin Mary in religious studies. In this book, the author goes a step further and explains why Mary is referred to as the most powerful Virgin, and why we pray to God through her. The Blessed Virgin Mary is an important figure in the Christian life. I loved the examples the author listed to truly explain that Mary is significant. Through her, God communicates with his people. The book talks about the incident where Mary appeared to the three children in Fatima; Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisca. This occurrence is one of the most famous apparitions of Mary in history. The author expounded on the importance of this occurrence, and how it changed the beliefs of many.

       The church is the most important institution for Christians. In this book, the author writes how the church helps in the growth of Christianity across the world. The Rosary is one of the instruments Catholics use to pray. Reading this book made me understand why the Rosary is a vital item in the life of Catholic believers. He also went ahead and mentioned that the Rosary is used by non-Catholics too. It is not strange to find both Catholics and non-Catholics hanging the rosary in front of the windscreen in cars. The rosary is a powerful tool, and the faith Christian have is what makes the prayer item important. The author also shared the correct way of praying the rosary, for anyone who had doubts.

I love this book because Denis Chikata based everything he wrote about on facts and the bible. He also added a few events in history; like the moment when the then presidents John Kennedy, Nikita Khrushchev and former British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan believed that they had to follow the message given to them during the appearance of Mary to the Fatima kids in Portugal, that they had to meet in Russia on the 6th of Aug 1963 to sign the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT).

Dennis Chikata’s book is easy to comprehend. The writer listed tons of information about the Virgin Mary, information that will help every reader understand Mary better. I love the arrangement of the book, as the author answered every pressing question Christians have. Reading this book will help you say your rosary more, pray daily, and strengthen your faith.

"conquest of the tunnel of no return"

Susan B.

CONQUEST OF THE TUNNEL OF NO RETURN is a narrative that belongs to the genre of mystery and horror, a genre in which this book definitely honors! The story is centered merely around a tunnel and how the life of an entire village changes after a man who was digging in order to find water and provide it to his family suddenly discovered it. 

Rumors as to the origin of such a tunnel quickly started to spread, such were the rumors that the result was a massive exodus of citizens. Eventually, archeologists and the government got involved and the tables were suddenly turned.

I must confess the cover of the book is a little misleading as it looks like it is more of an adventure book but once I started reading, I could not put the book down. One of the most notable elements Chakata’s work is his ability to keep the reader entertained from beginning to end. Author Dennis Chakata’s writing is compelling and flows seamlessly.

 The detail in this book is exceptional as I was able to imagine what the places looked like in the book. Reading this book was a wonderful experience as it gets the reader to imagine the wildest of scenarios even as they follow the story. The narrative talks about a tunnel that has apparently been there for a long time and people did not know of its existence. How many times am I in a situation that I believe is in a certain way but it has actually been different without me even noticing it?

This book is a masterpiece, I absolutely loved it!



Everyone wants to acquire a mass of wealth, or at least live comfortably. The idea of being rich and living without struggle is appealing and that is why many people toil every day. Dennis Chikata in his book is giving tips on how to grow your wealth and be successful. He talks of different categories of rich people, how they acquire wealth and the best way to live a fulfilling life. ‘How and why People are Rich and How to Avoid Poverty’ is the right book for you if you are a focused individual that is looking to better themselves both financially and mentally.

I like how the author categorized the types of ways people acquire wealth. Not everyone that acquired their wealth did so in an ethical manner. The author touches on those that steal or use weird means to get rich, and goes further to explain why that is not the best way to become rich. Dennis Chikata writes of the evils in this world and how capitalism has caused a major rift between the rich and poor. The discussions in the book are sober and enlightening. The author also talks on how to avoid poverty and live a life away from sin. In whatever you do, always ask God to guide you.

I enjoyed reading this book because Dennis Chikata not only gives you financial tips, but also shares his wisdom on how to live according to God’s will. This book serves as a self help, finance and motivational book. You will also improve your self-esteem by the end of the reading. The text in the book is easy to follow and the author’s tone is gentle and friendly. Dennis Chikata is excellent in his writing art and can encourage one to form a reading culture.

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Disobedience and the Secret of Long Life and Happiness

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