Sojam Publish

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet at SoJam Publish! We’re thrilled you decided to stop by. Just like a good book on a rainy day, we want you to feel comfortable and secure here. So, let’s chat about privacy, shall we?

What’s the Gist?

In a nutshell, your privacy is a big deal to us. Our policy here is as straightforward as a homemade pie: we collect some of your info to make your experience better, not to spill the beans about your visit.

The Info We Gather

When you swing by our blog, it’s like leaving footprints in the digital sand. We might pick up:

  • Contact Details: Shared a comment or dropped us a line? That’s where we get your email and maybe your name.
  • Cookies and Web Beacons: These little digital crumbs help us understand what you like on our site. It’s like remembering your coffee order – makes the next visit smoother.

How We Use Your Info

Here’s the scoop on why we collect your details:

  • Improving Your Experience: It’s all about making your visit as comfy as your favorite reading nook.
  • Feedback: Your thoughts and comments? They’re like gold to us. Helps us tweak and improve.
  • Communication: Got a question? We’ll use your details to get back to you, pronto.

Sharing Your Info

Here’s the deal – we treat your info like a secret family recipe. We don’t pass it around. The only times we might share it are:

  • Legal Stuff: If the law comes knocking, we might have to share some details.
  • Site Maintenance: Our tech wizards might see some data while keeping the site running smoothly.

Your Choices

Feeling like going incognito? No problem. You can tweak your browser settings to ditch cookies if you prefer. Just a heads up, some parts of the site might not work as smoothly without them.

A Safe Haven

Keeping your info safe is our top priority. We’ve got the digital equivalent of locks and alarms to protect your data.


We love encouraging young readers, but we don’t knowingly collect the little ones’ info. If you’re under 13, make sure to have a grown-up with you when browsing.

Changes to This Policy

Life’s all about change, and so is this policy. We’ll update it now and then, but we’ll give you a heads up when we do.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

  • By email: