Testing out our new 2022 Yamaha Yzf 250’s on our backyard track!
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We Bought New Dirt Bikes!
This video was done by professionals under the supervision of professionals on a closed course!
In today’s video, Evan and Micah pick up two brand new Yamaha YZF 250 dirt bikes and ride wheelies right out of the show room! We take them to our backyard dirt bike track and have some fun before doing some wheelies on the street! Later Evan surprises Ben with a gift and Ryan learns how to drift!
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I don't have a powerful bike I have a crf 110 or something like that
Hi I am a 13 year old boy watching your videos off of my mom's phone and I have an old rusty dirt bike and I have no dad to fix it and I was wondering if I can get a four wheeler thanks I subscribe and like
Love it 😍❤
Those jumps are crazy
Buying a dirt bike and a helmet
Why does Ev look like Ryans kid brother in his ZL1 riding shotty? lol
Reason why Yamaha is the best
Good job I can wheelie to it kinda easy on my 250 honda
Evan I think I found a twin so he’s a six year old now. I believe he’s got a twin so you’ll be triplet so he was on 110 can’t touch the ground so he hopped on then resend them no stand. We sold it to his dad and it was at his property. He did a favour for you. He broke the exhaust on our 110 so when Dad bought it.
Dirt bike Mike
6:46 that wheelie was crazy
we need a wheelie tutorial from evan
😂😂 you guys secretly love your nip rings
WAIT!!! YOU guys are local to me?!! Or you just happened to be in Fargo?
I can’t wheelie but I love them 😎 they are hard
“Mike! No! 😂
Cr500 trike
You guys need to do 4stroke vs 2 stroke durability test. Please cboys
Mikes riding gear is sick anyone know what it is?
3:15 mike and evan looking fly in the 509 gear
4 strokes suck. 😞
CBoys are the best I wanna get a dirt bike Yamaha yz125 but I don’t have land and I can’t ride on the streets
I love Dirt Bikes!