Does it feel as if the world is heading rapidly towards electric car adoption at a speed you can barely comprehend? You’re probably not alone… Here’s why it’s happening.
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Complete scam. Gas will stay forever.
Both products have too much sugar.
I do you one better "WHY IS GAMORA"
It's 3am & I'm going through the kitchen cupboards looking for CoCo Pops!
EV's are a very poor solution to a non existent problem….all a scam
Auto makers should stop forcing crappy ev on the populas and keep making petrol cars at an actual affordable price, and stop with the increase of price every time a new model is released
Im glad that they are no longer forcing ICE vehicles on us. Finally a better option.
There is one huge problem for the government. You cannot force consumers to buy something they don't want. All their targets will succeed in doing will be to decimate the car industry. We know this because it has already started. And yes, public charging fees is a massive issue. Without a really sensible government cap on chaygers EVs will NEVER be an option.
I wish we could get the old affordable Honda Civics & Acuras again from the 90’s – that would be dope
I find it hard to like electric cars..most are blunt nosed heavy SUV boxes with poor drag coefficients and poor range and have big price tags I can't afford. Charged by a national electricity supply that is 50% fossil fuel generated. Meanwhile my 13 year old 1.5 diesel does well over 600 miles on a tank…
Also if you live in flat or rented house or terraced house with no off street parking you can't charge at home, so pay more to charge on public chargers…so unfair to poorer households
It's all about control. COVID they controlled us. The public are a lot of sheep who can't think for themselves.
In your scenario Cocoa Puffs are killing people and the environment. Manufacturers need to get it together and put in the work. The technology is there, car makers need to get to engineering
There is no rrason for electric cars climate change is a bullsnhit lie,they refuse to tell us what carbin must be zero,we have nit nearly enough carbin dioxide in the air and they want that at zero then evetything is dead.
Level the playing field by ending all subsidies on EVs and Charging points and let the market decide. I know which car I would bet on.
Top gear tool 3 million a year off Shell, how much does Rory at AutoTrader take from Fossil Fuel sponsors?
I'm off to buy some cereals now
Yes, they heard and they are going to sell us, in the UK, cheaper electricity…pppffff😅😅 like they care about us
The question I am asking is where are all those flying cars we were promised ? I waiting for them to hit the showrooms.
You all have big government problems over there, better start pushing back befits too late!
not enough, there's no chinese models available, they seem to have been blocked.
Remember, 10% of total CO2 emissions come from transport. Buses, cargo and cruise ships, insane amounts of passenger flights and at the very bottom of the pyramid, privately owned passenger vehicles. This includes heavily populated and unregulated countries. Modern IC engines contribute a negligible amount to the total score. The other 90%?? Government couldn't give a donkey's arse about because they profit directly from those industries.
EVs don’t reduce emissions, they just transfer the pollution from part of the world to another.
You can pollute your part of the world when you build it, so that we can look good when we use it over here.
Only problem Rory you're sponsored by Auto Trader who have interests in EVs, so ever so slightly biased. Apart from that very good analogy thank you 😊
What about Vote Reform, and end net Zero Rory. Then we will never have to eat Granola again.😊
Vote Reform, and end this EV madness. Only Reform will reverse this net zero lunacy. You're heating bills will come down too, when we start drilling oil , and fracking gas in the uk again.
he said that’s Quite Dry 😅😅 Ev’s are awful and nobody wants them i love smelling my petrol guzzling machine on a cold start up
Why are they not pushing hydrogen? Electric car batteries are not sustainabble, and they cannot recycle them.
That's rough. I just want some Coco pops
Sometimes I wonder….I wonder if it’s just a way to stop us all driving cars….. apart from the super rich of course…..🤔😜
My main concern is that the ICE technology itself isn’t the issue, it’s the fuel we put in them, similar to jet engines for aircraft, we need to develop more biofuel /e fuel options. Ask the govt to promote EVs as an option and hybrids with small engines and medium sized batteries as one too, these could be a lower cost potentially, good for long distances on the motorway efficiently …it takes little power to maintain a cruise on the motorway, and if we put biofuels and fuels in them, we can use existing infrastructure and vehicles … giving consumers the choice to meet their needs and still be environmentally friendly, which incidentally I feel is VERY important.
Is this Wonderblocks?