Latest News SHOCKS The Car Market! Dealers Can't Survive This!

The car market is in a state of paralysis right now. Dealership inventory levels are through the roof. Many dealers are being forced to close their doors, they just can’t stay afloat. In today’s video I talk through a new grouping of facts, stats and figures that explain what got us to this point. The car market is crashing before our eyes, what comes next? In this video I talk through he following points:

– 2023 and 2024 models are still covering lots… 25s are now arriving.
– Lot rot becomes a point of consideration
– Large price cuts must happen
– During pandemic we’ve normalized high car payments and overspending
– Discounts are happening on vehicles that were recently marked up!
– Raptors, Bronco Raptors, TRD Pros, TRXs, Escalades, Yukon XL Ultimate Editions, gx550 Overtrails, etc..
– Huge discounts mean nothing if your Trade In value went down even more than the savings…
– $10-15K off a vehicle that’s overpriced by 30K still isn’t a win.
– Stellantis CEO recently resigned… laid off thousands of employees…
– Nissan to layoff off 9K people.
– Many dealers are losing money month to month. More than 50% of Nissan dealers
– Dozens of dealerships that have been around for a long time have closed their doors this year. Ford, Lincoln, GM, Jeep Dodge Ram, Fiat, etc… they just can’t stay afloat.
– They redirect inventory to higher turnover locations under the franchise.
– Vehicle manufacturers are still living under the pandemic fassad… inflated price tags on everything. Prices of vehicles have far outpaced wages and salaries of Americans.
– The vehicles in the 25-35K range are actually selling. Because people can actually afford.
– Toyota doesn’t know how to handle an inventory crisis. Many Tacomas and Tundras are showing 200+ days on lots.
– Backlots are filled to the brim.
– Dealers can’t even hide their inflated inventory levels.
– Dealership employees are quitting… salesmen are leaving. No vehicle sales means minimal paychecks.
– Stock values have come crumbling for auto makers… 50% for Stellantis… Toyota has seen a huge drop too. $250 per share back in March is now $175.
– Dealers need to cut losses right now to earn customers… re-earn the loyalty they burned during the pandemic.
– Too many dealers apply a near-sighted business model and refuse to look at the big picture.
– Across the board, MSRPs continue to rise while quality diminishes.
– Toyota wants to put out “throw away vehicles” 3-5 years cycles… vs 10-25 years
– The dealers that charged markups are kicking themselves.
– New average new vehicle price is $48,401
– MSRPs have gone up 42% since 2019
– Wages have gone up 34% since 2019
– Average auto loan monthly payment out on a new vehicle is $760… 1/6 auto loans are over $1000 per month… and 1/5 auto loans applied were denied last quarter.
– Prices of rent, mortgage, insurance, groceries, etc have gone up in drastic ways too… rendering it nearly impossible for Americans to keep up.
– Average 2 adult with 2-3 child household income needed to live comfortably now in the US is between 215-230K depending on region. There are 6 cities that require 300K to live comfortably.

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-Stay Untamed…

#carmarket #marketcrash #vehicles




I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

43 thoughts on “Latest News SHOCKS The Car Market! Dealers Can't Survive This!”
  1. I say screw the auto dealerships. Just like they screwed us during covid. With all the crazy dealer mark ups. Now look at them begging for people to buy Is there vehicles.!!

  2. Good eat shit you scumbag dealers = I bought a 17 k vw Passat = and they knocked my head off with 28.7 pct interest rate = but I couldn’t afford a truck and I needed a big car then= so dealers can eat shit = I hope that they all go out of business

  3. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸America… buy cars built and made in 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Or 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦Canada the two countries work together to build 🇺🇸American cars🚗🚗🚗🚗🚗‼‼‼‼
    It is so simple….lower interest rates too….the banks 🏦🏦🏦🏦🏦are greedy, too‼‼‼‼‼‼‼

  4. People can't afford to buy homes, people can barely afford rent, people are hanging on to their cars longer than ever, but the media tells us the bad economy is in our heads. To add insult to injury, car companies are trying to get you into a subscription to use their software.

  5. What he said about the amount of money needed to live comfortably in the USA is exactly why when you hear people spew nonsense like "after inflation, cars are really cheaper than they used to be" or "after inflation, houses cost less than they used to" is total BS. Our salaries and wages have not kept up.

    For all of you who think government regulations are great (and I do think we need regulations) know that there is a point where it becomes ridiculous. We don't need vehicles that get 50mpg. They are nice, but car companies shouldn't be forced to make them. All of this is adding cost. Companies need to spend millions in R&D. The cars become more and more complicated. Sure they run great for 5 years, maybe 10, but then what? Oh, you need another car. You never get ahead. You're always on the treadmill.

    You've got to be able to buy a car that can last you 15 to 20 years if you want it to. That allows you to put a little bit away. get ahead.

    I think I heard that 150k of the average home price is due to regulations. I grew up in a home that was built in the 1930s or so. It is still standing. My parents purchased it in the early 70s for 14k. Inflation doesn't account for the price delta. The house is about 4000 square feet. My dad worked on it over the years. Modernized the kitchen and a lot more.

    But he never made a lot of money. Still, people could do well because as a percentage of income, things didn't cost as much. Cut out the nice to have, but not must-have regulations and prices will drop.

  6. The car prices will go up , and people will pay, who thought we would have a convicted felon back in office 😂 these prices are here to stay… Let’s go trump !!!!!

  7. None of these dealerships wanna make a deal anymore. They would rather let the cars sit and collect dust. I really don’t know how car salesman make any money anymore. The monthly payments are comical so people just keep their cars longer now

  8. You can thank Obummer for the 4 cylinder turbo's. He and Hair Sniffin' Joe Biden's ridiculously unrealistic fuel mileage standards killed the apspirated engine market. No V8's except for heavy duty trucks, no 3.5-3.7 non-turbo V6's, very few non-turbo in line fours, etc…………………………..

  9. the tech for these is from the 1950s. no innovation, no value, completely insane prices. poor dealership service, hugely expensive parts & service costs. I'll drive my 2010 Golf for a year or two more until I find a good value EV for about $40k all in.

  10. Inventory is high but I feel product is moving. Most of our neighbors have brand new cars in their driveways. I don't live in Beverly Hills either. Just a suburb outside of Denver. Bottom line is that people are buying cars even at inflated prices.

  11. Toyota Moving The Tundra Manufacturing To Mexico For Cheap Labor And Then Jack The Price Up 55% To Sell In America. Man I Hope The American Consumers Aren't That Stupid.😅😅

  12. If an individual spends over 1000$ per month for a depreciating liability, it's nobody's fault, but the individual himself or herself for being an idiot. The real problem is that too many Americans associate a vehicle with a status symbol. A vehicle is just a means of transportation, a tool. But most of us are spoiled, and they want flashy vehicles with stupid features while they live paycheck to paycheck. Those people are digging their financial grave, and they should not complain when the repoman shows up, and then their financial struggle begins.

  13. uh these are NOT discounts. this effect is going back to ACTUAL MARKET VALUE. you speak the word discount as if it is a deal. they are returning (or trying to) NORMAL PRICES. lmao, 98 thousand dollars for a WORK truck, what a JOKE

  14. Just want to say I really enjoy your content and insight in the car market I’m currently trying to purchase a vehicle and you help me out with knowing what to pay and how to negotiate

  15. Is really wild, a ton of electronics and other stuff becomes more "affordable" yet car makers keep pumping out cars and jacking up prices like the people has infinite budgets, like they should freaking read the room

  16. Agreed!!! tired of displacement four-cylinder turbocharged platforms. 2:57. Glad I'm a 30 year mechanic and know how to fix all my vehicles… This industry is failing the consumer…You can't over pressurize a four-cylinder and expect longevity…Overengineer vehicles…….

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