Ever walk into a bike shop and think to yourself, “Every bike looks the same!” Or maybe you’re too intimidated to go into a bike shop, because you’re overwhelmed by all the choices. We hope that this video will help you sort through some of the basic types of bikes and help you figure out (possibly) which category could be the right one for you. Of course nothing beats actually coming into our shop and test riding the bikes IRL!

We hope at the end of this video, all of the bikes no longer look the same!

The Bicycle Planet, 340 Robbins, Lane, Syosset, New York 11791
Long Island, Nassau County, New York State, USA



By dennismary.slave@gmail.com

I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

39 thoughts on “Five Types of Bikes: Which Should I Choose?”
  1. Sorry all this bikes are kind of shit. I need a Bike that is complete for street driveing and actually can run very well on terrain and has a kind of suspension. It needs to be abe to carry a lot too. Why would I want a bike just for usless sports that strip down bike. Sports strip down their usability to safe some gramms of wight. ALL commercial bikes became shit and this accelerated with ebikes. If I want I can use every normal bike for sports and the raining effect is even higher.

  2. ook me a while to find out what i really like… never was a big bike rider , one day i got me a bmx cruiser because it reminded me of my childhood…after realizing its only made to drive short distances i got rid of it…. then i thought i need suspesnions on my bike…after realizing the weight and the absorbing power i realized a gravel biek is perfekt… fast speeds on roads and also beeing able to ride to the woods is the best combo for me… mahle motor with pinon belt drive is my dream …

  3. I bought a bike about 4 years ago now

    It is so complicated its just sitting in the shed gathering dust

    Spent a grand on it and its useless.

    When did they get so COMPLICATED ffs????

  4. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
    For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

  5. Most overwhelming is price, I was in a local shop where they had no electric bike and prices were $2,700-$6,700. I realized I will give up biking

  6. That 3rd child (last bike) will be on my list, for my ambitious ride to travel comfortably over long distances. The big broad seat is critical.

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