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Will car prices CRASH in 2025?? Will new car prices keep falling, or will they start going back up soon? Will used car prices EVER go down, or will they keep staying way too high? Ray and Zach have the answers and MUCH more!

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I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

38 thoughts on “Car Prices WILL CRASH in 2025! Here's WHY!”
  1. The car market also crashed in 2024, but for some reason most car manufacturers reported record sales of their brands. Maybe the dealerships didn't get the YouTube notifications about the car market crash.

  2. They will simply cut production. Raw materials cost increasing amounts to transport, and their is are billions of dollars in inherited wealth set to be handed down over the next 15 years.

  3. According to your chart, average new car price has gone up almost 60% since 2012, from around $30k to almost $48k. Inflation since 2012 is about 37%, so that looks like a bubble to me. We know what's maintaining the housing bubble: chronic supply shortage, high interest rates, and investors buying up available stock. We want to know what's propping up the car bubble. Clearly your usual thinking is not addressing the question…

  4. If it doesn’t drop or He’ll freezes over first” Either way they can keep these on their Lots and choke on them” They are plastic and wires and computer chips “ Any Vehicle above 25 to 30 k is ridiculous “ Junk “ I took a Ram 1500 in good condition to see what they offered and they said 1 k “ unbelievable on a truck that would sale for 10 to 12 at least “. By the way it was Chevy Dealer in Middle Tn

  5. I haven’t seen any big change in car prices. So I don’t believe this. Not that I wouldn’t like to see major cost reductions. But I see new cars around and people are still buying

  6. I can sell my 23 Tacoma TRD Off Road, double cab, 6’ bed , TRD Performance exhaust with the Premium and Technology pkgs for what I paid for it when it was new.

  7. The 24 Toyota BRZX (EV) is $43K. The same car in 25 is $37K.
    Why? Because they’re too expensive and the charging range is too short.
    If it took the same amount of time to recharge an EV as it does to fill up my pickup, I’d buy an EV pickup, as long as it had an extra battery so I wouldn’t get stranded.
    We thought about buying the Subaru Solterra when we bought our Outback, only because where my wife works she can recharge an EV for free, but we also use her Outback as our road car and #1, recharging stations are few and far between, and #2, it takes too long to recharge an EV.

  8. I'm hearing this message over and over for the last three years. Even though I like your channel, you are getting thumbs down from me for the first time ever.

  9. Pops here has spent his whole adult life (43 years) selling cars and ripping people off. Now here comes Jr with his brilliant marketing idea to get Pops (now that he is retired and is no longer using these tactics to rip people off) to virtuously tell us how not to get ripped off. They come on utube, producing video after video (collecting utube revenue) to sky rocket anxiety over buying a new car so high that it is nearly paralyzing. Then for good measure, they occasionally, bring on good old Kimberley, who was a finance manager for 15 years, telling you how she participated in the con. Oh, but no worries, because for a mere grand, they will provide you with a concierge service to step in and negotiate your deal for you so you don’t get ripped off by they very tactics that old Pop used for 43 years. Once a con artist, always a con artist.

  10. I for one more and more am out of the New Car Market. I cannot find anything that I want any more. Why Buy an New Car when I get the feeling that I do not own the Vehicle any way. I will keep what I currently have and not purchase a New Vehicle.

  11. BS!!!! Cars prices aren`t going to crash or going down anytime soon… Car dealers prefer to have those cars in parking lots for months getting dusty before make any concessions or cut prices targeting rich people. Meantime, use cars are excessively insane pricey. I am on the market to buy a use car for a year now, nothing fancy with decent miles and they are unaffordable due to the asking prices. It`s unrealistic what people and used dealers are asking for those aged cars, some of them in a disgusting and rusty state and maintenance. Another thing they don`t mentioned is the "salaries". People in general are not having salaries increase; as a matter of fact, employees are getting reduced working hours which mean lower pay checks due to a bad and slow economy. Then, how come are they going to afford a car besides expensive monthly rent, food and utility bills cost affected for the rampant inflation??? Please be realistic and stop the yada, yada, yada.

  12. Well, MSRP prices will not drop. Though many EV, large SUV's, and un-popular models, will give great incentives to move them. But, Hybrids, small cars, and sports/muscle cars will not see BIG incentives. These popular makes may get good APR rates and sell for MSRP (maybe catching a good deal at $500-$1000 under MSRP).

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