7 New Affordable Cars You MUST BUY In This Market (2024)

Simply every American today wishes they could spend less on a new car considering how interest rates went so high, while cost of owning a vehicle is not getting any cheap with repairs. That’s why maybe most buyers are looking at newer cars in 2024, because you are going to be covered for any auto problems for many years ahead. Moreover, price of the cars are so damn high that, finding a good deal of medium level vehicle is not so budget friendly. Let me show you what cars you can buy today brand new and still have some money left in your pocket. Hope you find one that looks good and matches your budget in this video.


By dennismary.slave@gmail.com

I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

9 thoughts on “7 New Affordable Cars You MUST BUY In This Market (2024)”
  1. Nissan makes garbage CVTs and KiaHyundai have a history of making garbage cars, whether they catch on fire, engines blow up of people can't insure them because of ignition flaws. Don't ever buy these garbage cars. Buy used quality cars.

  2. They need the basic manual 2020 Versa under $13,500 to return. Mitsubishi needs the $13,000 Mirage manual to return, with discounts under $11,000. The Scion is was commonly under $15,000, I nearly bought an end of year 2017 for under $14,000. These cars are just too expensive for what they Are. We bought no a brand new Premium Forester from Subaru at $25,000 after negotiating $4000 off in 2017. Hard to imagine over 20 grand for these cars.

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