What Happens To New Cars That Don’t Get
SOLD? Well, I’m gonna give you a few reasons. Why and what happens when they sit this is a new issue that dealers are having to deal with now that inventory levels are back to normal, and prices are higher than ever with every  automotive manufacturer.
Meanwhile Toyota sells 10,000 dollar trucks outside the US
I love that they are shocked that we aren't buying vehicles when we can't afford to live as is.
the prices lol…… Like, almost everything in there is at least 50% overpriced.
are you located in Tulsa OK
I’m a Toyota fan. I have an old Corolla that’s rocking 200k. I will make it last until 400. I’m never buying a new car. Ever. I’m just trying to get to work, not live outside my means.
So nice to see. Hope they lose their butts.
where do the stories come up of stellantis reporting they sold one dodge dart or dodge viper or some out of production car. sure i can see a dealer manager stashing a viper, but where do regular sedans show up as 8 year old new cars
Paying over 60k for a new car is not happening.
They send them to North Korea who place them so the streets don't look empty.
take it to auction and sell it for the REAL price
Government shut down manufacturing in 2020 covid ! There been less cars built since why wholesale price for franchise dealer much higher you idiot
How many franchise closed globally because socialist government bankrupt them
Net profit fallen since 2020 covid on new cars ?? You talking out of your ass lefty
I'm holding onto my fully paid off car until the wheels are ready to fall off. About time these dealers feel the hurt
The Grand Wagoneer is an overpriced piece of crap. Jeep is delusional with their prices.
I bought my Tacoma in September of 2019. I was looking for used, but discovered the new ones were priced only slightly higher. End of the model year.
The brainwashing to get the latest car/thing.
The overall push to live above means, and be fine with stagnant and low wages.
Everything is so wrong.
Something is going to give.
“Someone” is going to lose big time.
Unfortunately it’s looking like the middle class.
I live up here in Ohio we have all these car dealerships on one road like a lot of cities do and they decided to sell a bunch of high-end McLarens in sports cars and Porsches and so on and they leave these cars right out by the main road where the salt trucks drive by in the winter time and space salt and calcium chloride all over these very expensive sports cars and when I see that and the price that they're asking for these cars after they've been exposed to salt I just laugh I'm like I hope nobody buys these pieces of junk
These dealers are high as giraffe pussy if they think I'm forking over 7.5 on a car or truck that's not even priced to move…. if it gets close to the price of my house I will 100% walk the fuck out.
$195 for Nitrogen filled tires!?!?!? Bruh Costco will fill you up with Nitrogen for f r e e.
They are not worth nothing. The hoses will be dry rotted the tires will be the same if not worse for sitting in direct sunlight, along with the crappie clearcoats they use now. With the windows rolled up in the hot weather the fake plastic dashes will be curling and buckling in the heat and cold. I wouldn't trust them to drive very far till some hose blows off or a blowout or something worse chewed wires.
Karma!! HA!
not a problem at kia we get rid if 100-120 cars a month
Well, those cars you showed in the beginning are 6 figure cars only like one percent of people could afford those lol… people can’t afford late model cars anymore because the minimum payment is like $500 a month back in the day they used to be $200-$300 a month
72k for a Ford Ranger?????
These prices lol. Let them rot there.
If truly nobody bought new cars, the prices would have to go down until they are sold.
I saw this coming years ago. They are going to price themselves out of the market along with the manufactures having to pay higher wages to auto workers.
It’s so annoying how all the car companies keep only making these stupid trucks and suvs when all I want is a good sedan but the only way I can get a sedan-like car that isn’t an EV is by getting a Corvette or Porsche 911
I got the 911, so maybe things worked out lol
They charge this much because enough of you idiots paid those prices at some point.
Is my guy just walking around the dealer amd throwing heat while the sales men are just watching 😂
AW MAN. WHY ARE CARS THAT ARE HALF A MILLION NOT SELLING? They should be flying off the shelves!
250k for an Aston Martin SUV? Tf lmaooo
It’s cause they are not actually worth the sticker price
6 figures for a damn jeep is actual crazy talk
They recycle them again into new ones😂
These prices are outrageous!! Let them set.
Don’t forget how terribly made they are now. I was in claims for a bit and the new jeep wagoneer had a trim piece come off. You have to replace the entire window to replace a little plastic trim piece and costs over a thousand dollars. I can’t stand car manufacturers and the people that sell them.
Really good video tho