The new Model L100 Concept pays homage to the 1922 Lincoln Model L.
The L100 Concept features sleek, aero-influenced styling and a futuristic design that involves Lincoln’s Quiet Flight DNA.
Among the coolest features is a jewel inspired controller for the car, the unique door opening sequence and the cinema flooring.
Concept Vehicle. Not available for purchase.
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The Lincoln Model L100 Concept Vehicle | Lincoln
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not afraid to drive the concept cars.
Exactly what I need, a car that encourages me to look down at the floor while I'm driving.
Greyhound is now making concept buses. Does Trailways know about this?
These car doors are very impractical… would need space around the car to open those doors.
Dzień dobry mój przyjacielu, życzę Ci wspaniałego dnia pełnego miłości, szczęścia i radości. Mam nadzieję, że dziś uda Ci się osiągnąć wielkie rzeczy.
Like a huge soap box …need change a colour… maybe….deep grey
I would love to own the Lincoln L 100. What beautiful car, so awesomely amazing.
Why they started making cars look gay. Dumb blonde talking about how beautiful it looks it's trash.
✝️🫂✝️✡️🌏✡️💞 Привет любимка у меня на заводах двадцать пятого года уже делается хочешь себе я тебе могу подарить её🤑🤑🤑🤣🔥👌 Малыш у меня на водороде есть машины а этой батарейка мне доверяю сильно🤝 на планете отключиться свет Где ты её будешь заряжать а воды налил и поехал дальше когда я буду кататься ты будешь стоять и смотреть
Did anyone ever see the episode of The Simpsons where Homer designs a car😂
Jetsons Continatial
How can a steering wheel glass
Can't wait to clean the inside of the windshield.
Eine Vroom Vroom Navi Eingabe
Would of been cool to see it drive
Cool expensive car
Hello my name is Justin someone using your name on tictok is using your name I don’t know if it is really you or not
I would rather have the old school American Muscle cars
❤love bisou blondie
We'll be flying in cars before that ever hits the road.
Summer concept of car
You are really so fortunate