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Are we heading towards Car Market Crash? Discover the top car models that dealers just can’t sell! From outdated designs to sky-high prices and shifting buyer trends, these vehicles are piling up on dealership lots—and it’s only getting worse as we head into 2025. Find out what went wrong and why buyers are steering clear!
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Either Cut Prices in half for your American made CRAP Vehicles or Have them setting on your Lot until next Years Model Comes Out! That is why we purchase Foreign Country Autos, American made is Pure 100 Percent Crap!
i'll buy it for 90% off 😅
Obviously they are not looking at the average monthly wage for workers! 100k for a car ? You lost your dam mind! I will buy a car in anyone’s backyard and spend 30k and have my Dream Car! VS 80 k for a piece of crap that is not going to driveable by the last payment!
i keep my 2005 Toyota Tacoma 255500 and going strong
My state has sales tax, so the $110,000 sticker price for the Wagoneer is more like $121,000, and that's before dealer charges, registration, and insurance! That is insane for an unreliable Jeep product! What are the car makers thinking these days? $50,000 for a Ford Bronco, and $100,000 for a Jeep borders on lunacy!
Driving my cars till the wheels fall off these prices are crazy
Use Them for crash test
No Brasil esta do mesmo jeito, esta mais caro manter um carros novos do que manter os velhos, alem dos preços, seguros altos ,fora a documentação de licença anual que aumentou muito depois do COVID
The cla looks like a cheap economy car.
Car manufactures have gone pure crazy on there pricing.
Hyundai sucks. Koreans are not Japanese. All Hyundais and Kias need to be recalled for their engines and poor materials.
Thanks, i agree! The darn think punctuates automatically, but I can ignore it making it easier to read!
Mazda is taking over……
Acura let me walk on an MDX……
Those of us who can afford to buy new vehicles are not buying $80,000 vehicles and we have no interest in EVs and plug in hybrids.
When you have a world pushing electric milk floats and at the same time ICE vehicles struggle to get better than 20 mpg because they are trucks and SUV’s is proof something is out of sink. My 2017 Mazda 6 gets over 30 mpg easily yet Mazda no longer makes it. When cars cost more than what a mortgage was in the 1980’s is proof we have ruined the future for our children.
It's pretty obvious that they're all high in costs. So the costs need to drop if they want to move them on. My next one might either be the Kia Sportage or EV3.
they are not giving even a fair price, they will screw you or junk the car,,,
Just waiting for the right price for my new Land Rover 🙂
On like Auction!
Who the heck you are??
no one feels sorry for this self inflicted trouble that car dealers are facing…overpriced, over complicated junk…
this is what happens when your executive division puts profit before what the market can bear. better reorganize the design department to today's reality. ditch the bells and whistles and bring down retail cost and up fuel and reliability.
You're just remaking a car edge video… With vocal fry and I HATE vocal fry. Maybe stop copying the Kardashian's too?
Tired of AI generated content.
Way too much tech and prices do not deliver reliability. Might as well trow your money out the window. I got a Nissan leaf for $1,500 I fix the battery myself and got myself another 10 year car.😂
" Add in the sloping roof line that leaves tall rear passengers practicing their best yoga poses" 🤣🤣😂😂 3:24
Most Japanese cars that were made in the 2000's and on lasts a very long time. I used to think that I needed to change my cars every 4-7 years. My oldest car is now 13 years old and still in excellent condition. I just make sure that it gets scheduled maintenance and drive somewhat conservatively. It's tons better to keep your older car running and pay unexpected expenses on it than to pay hundreds even in some case over thousand a month for a new toy which start to turn into a real pain in about 6 month after the novelty wears out. No more "you need to get that new toy because (fill in the blank)" is not working anymore for a lot of people thanks to COVID-19!
Why spend over $50K to buy a car? some cars even over 100K, crazy!
Lower prices will help sell
2021-2024. People paid HUGE prices…well above MSRP. Now? Dealers want them to trade in vehicles they are upside down on, for NEW cars, whose prices have gone up 30%. Doesn't work that way.
Well the problem with car maket is back in day a man could buy a pickup truck made by ford and that could last him a life time now car ceo want you to 3 brand new in your lifetime those brand new car will go sale for at least 50k a car you end paying total 150k for a vehicle by the way that down paying in a nice house car back in day was maybe good and reasonable price tag now the population is getting scams 😂
Dealers need to bite the bullet.. auction every car off the lot and get what they can for these vehicles. Oh, if you think the prices in the USA are mental, check out the prices many of these vehicles are selling for in Australia.. even taking into account the pathetic value of the 'pacific peso' the markup in Australia is beyond ridiculous.
Let them rot on the lot for 5 years, then buy them for half the price.
why do they put such gigantic screens in the cars? what's the use case? they are more of a distraction than anything else… I mean it's a car that you'll drive, not a movie theatre lol…. it's all that tech and other useless features because of which they're charging an insane amount and then complaining that they won't sell 😀
Car dealers got too greedy
Still waiting on that crash since 2018.
Mazda3 for me. Still will get me to work and allows me to keep more of that paycheck.
Personal opinion: mistake. Don’t it it Honda. Anyway, wasn’t the growth of technology suppose to make products better and less costly. Instead it is doing the opposite. If we have all this great technology what is so hard about making a good quality automobile?
I rent all these cars and couldn’t agree more… all but the Jaguar XF, which we don’t rent much come in sometimes brand new off the truck with Check Engine lights or get towed in due to mechanical or electrical issues. I would NEVER buy any of these vehicles.
Only morons buy used German, Italian and English luxury cars. If you want to flex, lease.
Terrible video, using days of inventory to make the list and then working your way backwards to make up reasons. Some auto makers simply get demand wrong and make too many units.
Why does this AI-generated video show the 2025 Infiniti QX80 on the thumbnail and at the end? This is not a vehicle which does not sell; instead, there is a three-to-four-month waiting period from pre-order to get one.