Zach & Ray talk Fall Car Market trends for New & Used vehicles. Inventory is building up to pre-pandemic numbers which ultimately means more negotiability for the consumer! Listen in before you buy that car!

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I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

  1. No. First of all, it doesn't take much research to know that Toyota doesn't do incentives. And since they are the number 1 selling car in the US, you can't generalize. Also Toyota controlls their inventory to keep resale values high. So Toyotas will not build up on lots beyond what they can sell. Maybe crappy US mfrs cars are building up. Or endless money pit german excrement. But those of us who don't want to flush our hard earned money down the toilet don't care about those vehicles anyway.

  2. Bought a 2016 highlander with 100k kms in 2022 at a premium. Vancouver, Canada. Toyota dealership would not budge on price one penny after hours of attempted negotiation. They did a "150 point inspection" in house saying the car was in great condition. I brought my brother (a mechanic) with me on the second visit. He told them to put it up on a lift. He found; shocks needed replacing, some kind of minor oil leak coming from the front of the engine (i cant remember exactly the part), front rotors warped, pads needed replacing, previous owner had wired some crazy lighting sysytem into the rear brake lights. Looked like a disaster. They agreed to fix all the above before sale. Still didnt move on the price. Also wouldnt take the roof rack off as "it was aftermarket and they werent insured to do it" wtf ha ha. They supplied proof of in house work done. Would have come to $4000 in repairs!!!
    I love the car and take good care of it. If it wasnt for my brother i would have been screwed with those repairs.
    Dont trust these scammers. As soon as you drive off the lot they dont give af about you or repeat business.
    ALWAYS have the vehicle taken to a mechanic. Take it on the test drive. Might cost you a hundred bucks or two but is worth the peace of mind. These dealerships have been taking the piss since the pandemic. Delighted to see they are starting to close.

  3. Doesn't matter if its used,new, mechanic inspected cars&trucks are a money pit just to maintain it in gas,oil, inspection/registration, insurance ect. you cant win in the vehicle market,only way to save some change is if you role up the sleeves and DIY the simple things yourself or try and find a honest friendly mechanic but good luck with that one.

  4. I was just dealing with Kia (Sorento hybrid). They came down some, offered a soso trade in, in the end I took it. I accepted the offer after we went back n forth BUT…BUT….throughout this process and at the very beginning I specified one item that was a must have (ambient lighting)….he told me multiple times this car had it. The sticker did not show it, all the car details did not show it so I asked again (at least 6th time now) and he assured me in was on there. So, on the sales day I drove the 1.5 hrs, went to the bank on the way for a cash deposit…..get there and the first thing he says is we have a "little" issue you aren't gonna be happy about….yeah, that ambient lighting that I asked about multiple times was not on this car. Needless to say I had steam coming from my ears and every other port on me, I was so pissed off…..I got in my car, drove the 1.5 hrs back,,,,he sends 10 or so text offering another car, PLEASE GIVE ME a CHANCE….I said you had your chance. I really wanted this car, now I am too pissed off to even look at it and I certainly would not go to this dealer.

  5. Hi, you always talk about pre purchase inspection, and my question is, what if the dealership either lies or fail to disclose potential problems with the particular car? What happens when the buyer pays for pre- purchase inspection, and next thing you know he will find out later down the road, that the vehicle has some serious issues or problems . I enjoy watching your YouTube Chanel, and the information you share is very helpful. Thank you for your time .

  6. Not even close to a buyer's market. Car prices are still 40% higher than they should be, so until incentives are 40%, the prices have to come down. People are defaulting at increased rates. Banks are slowing lending. The car market is going to collapse in the next 9-12 months and we are probably looking at a government bailout eventually, again. I would buy a car now if you gave me $10k incentive in cash and 0% interest rate because car values are going to continue to drop for the foreseeable future.

  7. Been shopping for a 2025 honda crv exl 2wd. Msrp is 36,350 and i got an OTD price of 36,325 including tint, add ons like mats and 2 years maintainence. Waiting for the end of the month to see if it goes down further.

  8. My lease is up in 3 months, and I started to shop around over the past few days and i am not finding good deals or feel that its a buyers market at the moment. i think i will extend my lease and see how the market is in a few months or buy it out, pay off is lower than market and warranty still good for a year.

  9. No budging or negotiating happening at the dealerships I’ve been to in the western suburbs of St. Louis Mo. this includes leases as well. I’ve been trying to negotiate with Hyundai, Kia, and Toyota dealerships…no dice.

  10. I have access to GM preferred pricing from my employer. This can get me a 3.6% discount on a Buick dropping the price approx 2k.

    However the dealer is saying because the discount is fixed it doesn't leave room for negotiation and the price is the price. Is this true?

  11. “ the first time in a long time we’ve seen inventories buildup to pre-pandemic level”?!!!! You guys have been talking for months how we have these huge 400–500 day supply. Are you saying that we had this many cars in lots pre-pandemic?

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