CAR MARKET COLLAPSE: New Car Prices Set to CRASH in 2025!

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Car shopping in 2024 was supposedly ‘back to normal.’ Inventory was up, discounts were flowing, and experts were saying it’s a buyer’s market. But was it really? Or are we being fed another overly optimistic sales pitch by automakers and dealers trying to squeeze every last dollar out of you?”
“Let’s cut through the noise and break down the truth about car prices, discounts, and why you might still walk away from the lot feeling fleeced in 2025.

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I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

32 thoughts on “CAR MARKET COLLAPSE: New Car Prices Set to CRASH in 2025!”
  1. If EVERY person in this country would STOP buying any vehicle for just 3 months and EVERY vehicle would sit on the lot unsold car prices would drop quickly and become affordable again. we actually have the power to control car prices.

  2. To return to normal will require a 68% haircut by the mfgs. Until they cut prices to this level they will die from lot rot. If you’re buying a three year old car it needs to go at 86% off. Make sure the dealer covers a new set of rubber for a three year old new car.

  3. That whole you will own nothing and be happy always rings in my head. Crazy tin hat wearing thought…but what if the government is giving the Car companies incentives to charge high prices and tell them they will ensure they will be bailed if needed. Reduce "global warming" by reducing the number of folks that can drive all the while bankrupting the few people willing to still buy. Take money from the people and put it in the Elite's hands. Eventually, we might see it thr same as a time share. Stupid to own and a horrible financial mistake.

  4. I’m patiently waiting for either the tundra TRD pro or the Ram rebel w/pano roof to drop below 60k. If that doesn’t happen I’m totally fine with continuing to drive my paid off 2018 tundra.

  5. They #1 thing they should do, is work on quality. bare minimum offer a 5 year 100,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. They can do this if they actually put quality parts in vehicles.

  6. Let it rot! That's what I keep telling them. I've argued with 50 of them in the past several months telling them that they are smoking crack and to go pound sand. I had one email back today letting me know that he doesn't want my business. I'm crushed. LOL

  7. Forgot to mention EVs insurance rates have skyrocketing due to highly expensive repairs.
    Triple to quadruple prices to repair plus more time to fix meaning longer rental times.
    The car market is horrible.
    Especially with companies like Stellantis who jacked their prices

  8. Yep not a fan of new cars with custom tablet infotainment and useless add on that i never use. Rather have a car with universal in-dash infotainment like in the 90s, since im a huge fan of audiophile and like to bump my music loud. 😅

  9. Are you aware that almost every car uses the gps system to track you? They sell your data and make money from you driving around! Just another way to find out where you go, what stores you park in front of, what gas station you use, etc…

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