Apart from the true  story  of how a large crowd of people, including the press, watched as the skeleton of Mr. Peter Miles, three years after his death, attracted fresh human flesh to cover his bones and rose from its grave to go to court to testify in a famous land case between the State Governor and a bishop, because his three children who were also in court had earlier been bribed by the Governor to deny that their father ever sold his land to the bishop, when in truth they counted the money  which the bishop paid for the land,  you will also find out why ,when he was leaving the court he said that he would prefer to go back to purgatory  where he came from,  rather than risk remaining on this earth, and you will also learn from this book about the three regions of purgatory.

Next are other amazing and eye-popping stories of other visitors from Purgatory, one of whom is Pope Innocent III, who appeared with flames of fire all over him, to reverend nuns at the Brabant Monastery, on the very day he died in Rome, begging them to pray for him; thus confirming still, that judgment takes place on the very day of death. This was why Jesus promised the good thief on the cross of Calvary with the word “TODAY- you will be with me in paradise”. So all prayers offered for the dead during burial ceremonies, even by non-Christians, are with the assumption that the person might be in purgatory, since nobody prays for someone enjoying in heaven or for someone already suffering in hell.

The book also explains in detail and with proofs beyond doubt, the meaning of Luke 20:38 which says: “All are in fact Alive”. Here it reveals that the six senses of man are indeed the six senses of the soul and never die; for nobody really dies after all, because all who have died are still alive somewhere, hearing all we say, seeing all we do, enjoying and eating banquets if in heaven, or feeling pain and torture if in hell or in purgatory.

Another content is that true story of Jesus about Abraham, whose body still lies in his grave at the Machpelah cave, East of Mamre where he was buried, while Lazarus was seen resting in his bosom in paradise. (And this is no parable because Jesus does not mention names of people in His parables). Plus two moons appearing together in the sky: the date and the meaning.

It also contains the commonsense fact that God who is able to create a massive object (the Sun) that is One Million Three Hundred Thousand times bigger than this mighty earth upon which we live, is also capable of  creating for those in heaven, a degree of HAPPINESS, COMFORT and SWEETNESS that is several million times bigger than whatever happiness, pleasure and sweetness that exist in this world, which is why even presidents and kings also desire to go to heaven after this life.

The book which opens with a message from the Archbishop of Onitsha, Most Rev.(Dr.) Stephen N. Ezeanya, who thoroughly scrutinized and approved the manuscript before publication, also makes reference to the Monday 15th October 1917 edition of a popular Portuguese Newspaper: the ODIA and another Newspaper: the O SECULO in their descriptions of what happened at Fatima, Portugal on 13th October 1917 when, for the first time in world history, the sun left its position in the sky and began to rush down, dancing in a zig-zag manner, and changing its colour from silver to red to green, and to blue as it came down; and after about twelve minutes started going up again to its position in the sky. This was done to prove to the world that the message given by the three children of Fatima; Jacinta 7, Francisco 9 and Lucia 11, was true. And this was the very message that moved the then Presidents of Russia, (Khrushchev), UK (MacMillan) and USA (Kennedy) to initiate the STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TREATY (SALT) meeting of 6th August 1963,in Moscow, which prompted the German Newspaper to make that world famous comment in its Monday, 15th October 1963 edition, details of which are contained in this book.

This amazing book titled VISITORS FROM PURGATORY is by Dennis Mary Chikata, obtainable online from Amazon and Draft2Digital.

By dennismary.slave@gmail.com

I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

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