There are four major groups of rich people in the world:

1.            Those who have become rich due to honest hard work

2.            Those who have riches bestowed upon their lineage from God, even if they do not work so hard, as clearly stated in the Bible. 

3.            Those made rich by the spirit of Satan, the devil because they worship him.

4.            Those Who Made Their Wealth By Stealing And Other Forms Of Crime

 One thing is common to the four of them; and that is the fact the Almighty God must sanction and give final approval before any of them can manifest and be noticed.

God, in his wisdom created man and allowed us to have FREE WILL to choose between good and evil. Whichever one we choose, determines what happens to us in the end. This is why his judgments are all of them just. (Revelation 19:2). He gives out his graces to us to enable us do good things but He leaves our will free to decide whether to use such graces to do good or to reject His graces and choose the path of evil.

He does not interfere with this decision of ours. He however rewards us with good things and eternal life in his kingdom if we persevere in doing good and punishes us in hell with fire, undying worms eating us up and hydrogen sulfide gas that smells like rotten egg as the air to breathe, along with other forms of torture if we indulge in evil as the path we have chosen.

God is the creator of all things and has absolute control of all. Although Satan always plans evil and lures us into embracing it, yet God has the final say. He has the power to stop any evil planned by Satan from taking effect; and He can also permit for a number of reasons that Satan’s evil plans take effect and succeed; as in the case of the woes and tortures of Job in the bible.

Among the several reasons for which God sometimes allows or permits the evil plan of Satan to take effect is to attract his blessings with good things as explained in the bible (Deuteronomy 8:16-18). Another reason is to help us to pay for our sins in this world rather than wait to pay for them in the next world. This is because all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; and no sin goes unpunished. The Bible warns that the wages of sin is death.(Romans 6:23)

God knows that it is by far softer and lighter to suffer whatever it is in this life to pay for our sins than to wait for His justice to mete out a more severe punishment for such sins after life here on earth.


To avoid poverty, the first thing is to recognize that all good things, including riches come from God, and that no lasting good comes from the devil. If a person should decide to go the way of the devil and obtain riches from him, he must be prepared to pay the price, which often comes in form of not living a long life and ending up being disappointed, for the devil has no lasting friend.

A person who wants to avoid poverty and be rich must be prepared to work hard at whatever he is doing. He should struggle to be a friend of God and in good terms with Him by doing what pleases Him always while avoiding what displeases Him. He must not look at some rich fellow and say: β€œThis man is very rich in spite of the fact that He does not care about God and His commandments”. This is because he does not know whether that man’s wealth is from the devil who will destroy him at the end, or whether his wealth is because he is lucky to be born in the lineage of someone who many years did something that pleased God that made Him count him among those whose descendants for thousands of generations will continue to be blessed.

He should rather bring God into his work or business by praying to Him for His guidance and help. He should carry out his business with truth and not try to cheat or tell lies to make money. Even if he sees himself making money and succeeding in spite of being dishonest and sinful, he should realize that his level of success is but a fraction of what would have come to him if he has chosen the path of honesty and hard work in carrying out his business.

If on the other hand he discovers that he is not as rich as he would like to be or that he still remains poor in spite of his efforts to bring God into his business, he should do what St. Paul says in the bible. St. Paul says that whether good or bad; no matter what we suffer, we should continue to praise and thank God, (1 Thessalonians 5:18) . He said this because he knows that the Lord is good all the time. If God decides to reject our prayers for wealth, and leave us poor, it is likely to be because he has looked into us and in His Omniscience He has seen that wealth will push out of the way of salvation and see us ending up in hell and He would not like such fate to befall us. This is how good He is, and we should always thank and praise him. All around us it is common to see people, who once they are turned from poverty to riches, became entirely different human beings. They indulge in such deviant and immoral behavior they were not used to prior to becoming rich. Such people easily fit into the saying that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

By dennismary.slave@gmail.com

I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

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