2024 Newly Launched RE Classic 350 #shorts #2024classic350 #classic350 #viral #youtubeshorts

New Royal Enfield classic 350 “2024 Model Launch | On Road Price ? | Specifications| #2024classic350

#2024classic350 #classic350 #royalenfield

Shop details – Royal Enfield Showroom – Riders Corner
091675 87241

PIYUSH Staff of The showroom – 7679030997

Contact for offers ☝️


By dennismary.slave@gmail.com

I am a Vet. Surgeon and Publisher

41 thoughts on “2024 Newly Launched RE Classic 350 #shorts #2024classic350 #classic350 #viral #youtubeshorts”
  1. সবাইকে অনুরোধ করছি বাইকগুলো ভালোভাবে পরীক্ষা-নিরীক্ষা করে নিবেন। ইজরায়েল যেভাবে ফিলিস্তিনের মটোফোনের মধ্যে বিস্ফোরক দিয়ে দিয়েছিল, ইন্ডিয়াও হয়তো এই বাইকে তেমন কিছু করেছে,যার জন্য ডেলিভারিতে কিছুটা বিলম্ব করেছে।

  2. New re classic 350 is a joke main thing you all forgot is while i have to say it even tho i own a bullet not new model im glad ,even cb350 heck sone heavy bikes have kick start whats the point of a bike if it does not have a kick suppose your battery is low and you are in a hilly srea with no recharge station or spare shop what will you do how will you tackle the situation how will you start the bike its not like you can start it by tripping it total failure if i think about it honda copied you atleast copy them and adopt portable kick starter which can be put in and removed like the hondas old goldwing model 😊

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